How Firmoo Leveraged AI to Revolutionize Customer Service and Cut Costs

Client: Frimoo

Industry: Sunglasses & Eyewear Accessories

Firmoo is an online leader in the eyewear retail sector, renowned for its comprehensive selection of prescription glasses and sunglasses. With a vast online presence, Firmoo prides itself on delivering exceptional customer service and a personalized shopping experience.


Challenge: Managing High Inquiry Volumes and Reducing Operational Costs

Firmoo faced the challenge of handling a massive influx of online customer inquiries, which placed a significant strain on their customer support team. The high volume not only increased wait times for customers but also escalated operational costs due to the reliance on human customer service representatives.


  1. To integrate an AI customer service solution that could autonomously handle the bulk of customer inquiries.

  2. To alleviate the workload on the customer service team and reduce operational costs.

  3. To maintain and potentially improve customer satisfaction through efficient and effective query resolution.

Solution: QuickCEP’s AI-Powered Chatbot Implementation

QuickCEP provided Firmoo with a tailored AI chatbot solution designed to address their specific customer service challenges. The chatbot utilized advanced natural language processing (NLP) to engage with customers in real time, offering solutions across multiple engagement points, including omnichannel live chat platform.

Implementation Details:

  1. The AI chatbot can recognize and respond to a wide range of customer inquiries, from product questions to order tracking.

  2. QuickCEP’s solution was integrated across various customer touchpoints to ensure a seamless service experience.

  3. The AI chatbot was continuously monitored and optimized based on customer interactions to improve its accuracy and efficiency.

Results: Significant Reduction in Human Workload and Operational Costs

The implementation of QuickCEP’s AI chatbot dramatically transformed Firmoo’s customer service operations.

Key Achievements

  1. The AI chatbot successfully resolved 80% of customer inquiries, significantly freeing up human resources.
  2. The customer service team was able to concentrate on complex issues and provide a more personalized service where needed.
  3. Firmoo experienced a reduction in operational costs while maintaining high-quality customer service.
  4. The swift and accurate response provided by the AI chatbot led to an enhancement in customer satisfaction levels.
ai chatbot for ecommerce


Firmoo’s collaboration with QuickCEP and the integration of an AI-powered chatbot into their customer service operations resulted in a strategic improvement in both efficiency and cost management. This case study demonstrates the tangible benefits of embracing AI technology to adapt to the evolving demands of customer service in the online retail industry.

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