Robotime's AI Transformation: Boosting Conversion Rates and Customer Loyalty with QuickCEP

Client: Robotime

Industry: Dolls & Accessories

Robotime, an e-commerce platform with a monthly traffic volume exceeding 200,000 visitors, specializes in offering a unique range of products that cater to hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts. Renowned for their intricate and engaging offerings, Robotime aims to not only attract but also retain a dedicated customer base.
Robotime ai chatbot case study

Challenge: Boosting Conversion Rates, Customer Service Efficiency, and Repeat Purchases

Robotime sought to elevate its e-commerce platform by addressing three critical pain points: enhancing conversion rates, increasing customer service efficiency, and boosting the number of repeat purchases. With an already substantial visitor base, the need to convert and retain customers was pivotal for sustained growth.


  1. To implement a solution that would effectively improve conversion rates at crucial shopping junctures.

  2. To streamline customer service across multiple channels, thereby enhancing overall efficiency.

  3. To increase repeat purchases through personalized marketing and improved customer engagement.

Solution: Implementation of Flow Bot, Omnichannel Live Chat, and Marketing Tools

QuickCEP, in response to the specific pain points of Robotime, tailored a set of targeted solutions. We recommended the adoption of the Flow Bot, Omnichannel Live Chat, and Marketing tools, aimed at transforming the customer experience on the Robotime website.

Implementation Details:

  • The Flow Bot was introduced to intervene in real-time at various shopping stages, streamlining orders and retaining customers who were close to departing. This strategic move led to a noticeable enhancement in conversion rates.
  • Omnichannel Live Chat integrated customers information from diverse platforms such as live chat, email, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, SMS, and Amazon messages into a one place. This consolidation significantly boosted the efficiency of customer service responses and garnered affirmations from customers.
  • QuickCEP’s Marketing tools and Customer Data Platform (CDP) are utilized for customer segmentation and diverse marketing campaigns, thereby enhancing email conversion rates and significantly boosting the frequency of repeat purchases.

Results: Notable Improvement in Conversion and Customer Engagement

The adoption of QuickCEP’s AI solutions marked a significant enhancement in Robotime’s e-commerce performance.

Key Achievements

  • Enhanced conversion rates were realized through proactive engagement initiatives enabled by the Flow Bot.
  • Customer service efficiency experienced a substantial uplift via omnichannel live chat.
  • The frequency of repeat purchases saw a significant rise, driven by the targeted, personalized campaigns of QuickCEP Marketing tools.
automate customer support apps


QuickCEP’s AI-driven solutions enabled Robotime to overcome its challenges by streamlining customer engagement and service processes, resulting in increased conversion rates and customer loyalty. This case study exemplifies the impactful results of leveraging AI technology to fine-tune e-commerce operations and drive business growth.

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